Dienstag, 30. September 2014

Erich Kästner Days in Washington

Die Deutsche Botschaft in Washington organisiert vom 28. Oktober bis zum 1. November 2014 Erich Kästner Tage in ihren Räumen. Unser Mitglied Thomas von Pluto wird dort einen Vortrag halten und auch Ulrich Schütte wird singen. Das Erich Kästner Museum Dresden zeigt seine mobile Ausstellung. Im Ankündigungtext für die Veranstaltung klingt das dann so:

Erich Kästner Days

Tuesday, October 28 through Saturday, November 1

German Embassy Auditorium

Erich Kästner Days
Forty years after his death, Erich Kästner (1899-1974) remains among the most popular of German authors. This is due in part to his literary output, which includes several classics of children’s literature such as Emil and the Detectives and Lottie and Lisa (twice adapted by Walt Disney as The Parent Trap). However, it is also explained by his remarkable biography, interwoven with the tumultuous history of 20th century Germany.
To celebrate the life and work of this unique literary figure, the German Embassy and its partners present a week of Erich Kästner-themed events. These include the opening of a mobile, interactive micro-museum devoted to Kästner; a program of lieder performed by Ulrich Schütte based on Kästner’s poetry cycle Die 13 Monate; and an illustrated lecture in German by Thomas von Pluto-Prondzinski, in cooperation with the German Language Society, examining Kästner’s double persona both as a beloved children’s author as well as a keen observer and a protagonist of 20th century German literature and history.
Program of Events:
  • Tuesday, Oct. 28, 7 pm: Opening of a traveling “micro-museum” exhibition by the Erich Kästner Museum Dresden & presentation on the author’s life and works focusing on the four “Kästner cities” Dresden, Leipzig, Munich and Berlin
  • Wednesday, Oct. 29, 7 pm: Presentation by Ulrich Schütte of lieder composed for Kästner’s poem cycle Die 13 Monate
  • Thursday, Oct. 30, 7 pm: Illustrated Lecture with the German Language Society (in German) Ich saß in einem großen Wartesaal, und der hieß Europa – Erich Kästner: der Schriftsteller als Zeitzeuge
  • Saturday, Nov. 1, starting 10 am: Kids Euro Festival: Screening of Kästner-themed films Das Fliegende Klassenzimmer & Emil und die Detektive; sneak-preview of the Imagination Stage production “Double Trouble”, opening summer 2015, based on Eric Kästner's novel Lottie & Lisa; activities for children
These programs are free of charge; however reservations are required due to space and security considerations. To register, please visit the event page at germany.info

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